Friday, May 1, 2015

10 ways to get rid of the blues

Oh my god. I swear some days I feel like I am aging faster then I can say my full name. By the time I publish this post I might have 10  wrinkles and white hairs. Some days I feel like i drank WAY too many cups of coffee and some days I want to cry thinking about leaving my bed. Please tell me I am not alone in this miserable reality.If you're seriously feeling down in dumps then keep reading and do at least ONE of these 10 options to lift your mood. 

I am going to pretend it is normal. We're not all Hercules.

1. Take a bath (lots of lavender bubbles).

 2. Walk around Target

3. Go to the gym.

4. Buy/make someone a present (giving something to someone will make you happier than receiving something so feel free to mail me something cute ;).

5. Clean and/or redecorate (your room,car, house, apartment etc). Cleaning will take your mind off of things and remove the clutter in your mind. Trust me there is a correlation.

6. Learn something new. Devoting yourself to a project will take your mind off of things and make yourself feel accomplished. Freshman year of college I signed up for a Pottery class by myself and off campus with a bunch of moms and I met so many new people and learned how to make pottery!
things to do:meetup, course horse, online classes at coursera, khan academy, and , youtube, & Pinterest to name a few.

7. Send snail mail. Think of someone who would receive a letter and smile. This could be a friend,a SO,parents, cousins etc. It feels good to feel good.Everyone wants to know they're thought about and it doesn't take long or cost much. By the way you can mail bouncy balls - the ones you find at the  dollar tree and in your garage.

8.Watch a show that makes you laugh. Laughing is good for the soul and  it doesn't matter who you are and how old you are. The Office and Parks and Rec are my all time favorites!

9. Volunteer. somewhere. anywhere. Why? because it feels good to feel good. We went over this.

(Volunteer at: local food kitchens, low income schools, red cross, Volunteer in you city, hospitals etc)

10. Read.  A book, a magazine, A billboard. Ok not that last one because that's LAZY but you get the point. Books give you adventure, romance, action and history.They can make you forget your problems and fixate on someone else's life.

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